The Midnight Special (1972-1981) The Midnight Special was a 90-minute late-night musical variety series that ran on American TV from 1972 to 1981. It featured some great live performances by...
Each of these Spotify playlists contains music that was popular in the summer of each year of the 1960s - songs that hit the Top 40 charts between Memorial Day...
This post continues the musical exploration from my previous post, These 7 Spotify Playlists Will Give You a Comprehensive View of Alternative Rock Music in the 20th Century, and picks...
Alternative rock music has evolved and changed significantly over the decades, from its roots in low-fidelity "garage" rock, to punk rock, glam rock, new wave, post-punk, college rock, and through...
The history of The United States includes a wide variety of proud accomplishments and shameful failures - many of which are unknown to, or misunderstood by, most Americans. When I...